
NATA is 10 years old!
5 October 2024
Big NATA Birthday party
17h00 à 17h00
(1440 min)

Animateur : Équipe NATA

Come help us blow out the candles on our 10th birthday cake! We're going to have a big party to celebrate.


From 5:00 p.m. to midnight, there will be different moments and you can stop by whenever you'd like and stay as long as you'd like.


5:00 - 5:30: Welcome

5:30 - 6:30 Kirtan with Piyush and Paul

6:30 - 7:30: A Look Back at 10 years of NATA and cutting of the cake

8:00 - 9:00: Posture demonstration with Derwinn and Sophie

9:30 - 11:00: Yoga by night - multi-prof class

11:00 - 11:30: Continuous OM chanting with Pamela

11:30 - midnight: Yoga nidra with Alisonne


We imagine a joyful, friendly and informal evening. Come share in the fun, help us mark this milestone of longevity and make your wish for 10 more years to come!

workshop: squared yoga
12 October 2024
Workshop: Squared Yoga
16h30 à 18h30
(120 min)

Animateur : Aloÿs Berdoll

Aloys Berdoll, an instructor at the center since its beginnings, has recently published a book with Jean-Michel Pierre:


Squared Yoga: Flexibility and Basic Asanas


In this workshop, he will present the origins of the project and you will practice with him the postures related to the principles they explore.


Squared yoga takes shape against a wall and offers gentle and gradual stretches to stimulate the entire spinal column.


Possibility of purchasing your copy of the book to have signed by the author.

45 €
84€ pour deux
offre non cumulable
yoga + creative writing
13 October 2024
Atelier Yoga nidra + écriture
14h00 à 16h00
(120 min)

Paris 20 writing yoga nidra workshop

Animateur : Alisonne Sinard

How can bodily sensation give us the impulse for a sentence?


In this workshop, which will blend yoga nidra and creative writing, Alisonne invites you for a journey between body and spirit to ulock the doors of creativity.


A guided yoga nidra will bring you into a dream-like state through the rythms of voice and music to allow images, sensations, and memories to freely emerge from the depths of the psyche.


Periods of spontaneous writing, without any specific goal in mind, will allow the mind to welcome and explore the creative space opened by the deep relaxation, to observe how the body can lead us to writing.

45 €
Special price when you book for two or more people
84€ pour deux
offre non cumulable
aviva steiner method
19 October 2024
Atelier: Aviva Steiner Method
16h30 à 19h30
(180 min)

Animateur : Catherine Valla

Catherine Valla will offer an initiation to the dancer Aviva Steiner's method.


It's a joyful and dynamic practice to serve the needs of the female hormonal cycle, helping women move through the various stages of life, from puberty to menopause.


The method seeks to create a postive attitude and experience of the body and its cyclical changes, by harmonizing the natural hormonal system.


Catherine Valla is a certified instructor of this copyrighted method.

60 €
115€ pour deux
offre non cumulable
retreat: living postures
31 October 2024
Retreat in Normandy
17h00 à 17h00
(1440 min)

Animateur : Pamela & Sophie

150 €
This amount is just the deposit; click on more details for all the costs
300€ pour deux
offre non cumulable