Pamela’s interest in cooking goes back to her first failed custard when she was about 10 years old. She grew up in a family of uninteresed cooks (to say the least), and suffered from the standard American diet (SAD) for twenty years until she first came to France and her life began to change.
A junior year abroad in Montpellier, France from 1990-1991 opened her eyes to the realm of fresh ingredients and a range of fruits and vegetables she never knew about in her native Michigan. She completed her studies in art history, earning a Ph.D. in 2005. She taught for 8 years as assistant professor at the University of Rhode Island.
Moving towards a vegetarian diet after starting to practice yoga in the year 2000, she discovered the teachings of macrobiotics once she met Senêt and learned the traditional principles of the philosophy from him.
A major bout of sciatica in 2009 pushed her to reexamine her dietary practices and principles, and she sought out specialized training from the Kushi Institute in Becket, MA, where she took part in the Macrobiotic Certificate program in 2010. She has also studied health-supportive cooking at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City and has taken many workshops and classes in Providence, RI and Paris, France.
Author of two books, Yoga Food (Mango, 2016) and Renouer avec le rhythme des saisons (Rustica, 2017), Pamela continues her culinary research to develop even better-tasting, more appealing balanced dishes. Her professorial pedagogy comes through in her classes, as well as her passion and enthuiasm for all GOOD FOOD! Nourish the eyes, nourish the taste buds, nourish the heart: yoga teaches us that you can't separate one from the other.