Catherine Valla

Catherine Valla teaches a gentle yoga that builds self-confidence, serenity and grounding by a deepened contact with yourself. She will help you develop greater breath capacity, learn how to let go and calm your mind to live more freely in the present moment.


Catherine trained at the Ecole française du yoga in paris (900 hours, 4 year teacher training) with Gianna Dupont, Jean Pierre Laffez and Annie Hamelin in the tradition of Roger Clerc. She continues her training at the Académie du Yoga de l’énergie of Ile-de-France.


Her teaching is based on building flexibility through stretching, along with strength and relaxation in the whole body, harmonizing the entire body while respecting its anatomical realities. Once the body has unwound, it becomes available for more subtle breath work and conscious gestures. In postures, attention will be paid to inner sensation and mental release.